3535 ROSWELL RD #1


Office Hours

By appointment only
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 6PM
Saturday: 10AM - 1PM

Moore CPA Firm

Moore CPA Firm

W2 and 1099 Penalties

  Penalties will rise to $110 PER FORM soonIf you have employees, pay yourself or work with contractors, your W-2s, 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC forms AND filings to the IRS and State Tax Authorities were due on January 31st.If you haven’t filed yet, you now owe…

S corp versus LLC

While S Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are similar because they provide liability protection for business owners and allow for pass-through tax treatment, there are many differences as to how they are operated, complied with, and taxed. At Moore…

Tax Transcript

Tax Transcript Request

Taxpayers can request their tax transcripts online or by mail. To request your tax transcript online click the following link to get to the IRS related page. This is the fatest way to get your transcripts. If you don’t have…